Have you ever taken the time to analyze the events in your life and then wonder how you made it through the tough times? Sometimes, the tough times include grief and loss. There are inevitably, small wonders in...
Abortion as a Component of Disenfranchised Grief
When looking at the statistics for abortions, or perhaps when trying to figure out how many abortions are performed a year it is very difficult to determine. Depending on where you search even with the internet; there is no true...
Disenfranchised Grief…Unspoken
Disenfranchised grief is a component of grief that is not shared with others for a variety of reasons. An individual may not feel they are worthy of sharing their grief with others. Perhaps society in general does not want to...
Hoarding & Grief Continued
A previous blog talked about hoarding and grief being related along with the fact hoarding affects more than the hoarder. What do you think is behind the reason why some individuals become hoarders in the first place? Delving further into...
Hoarding & Grief
Hoarding is more prominent with the presence of TV shows depicting individuals of all walks of life involved in this. By looking deeper into this situation, you will understand how emotional losses and, in some cases, trauma go hand in...
“Golden Rules for Living” Creating Memories as you Re-remember
I was getting ready to relocate my office space and came across the following news article I had saved from many years ago. The article was addressed to “Dear Gram”. Is there anything you can relate to here...
Pet Loss
The loss of a pet can be the cause of tremendous grief for an individual and family. I have spoken with people who have tears in their eyes several years after a pet has died. What causes this grief reaction...
Looking Back to Get the Courage to Move Forward
Life is full of ups and downs, and sometimes there is a feeling or thought as if I am never going to get through this crisis or trauma. In the midst of despair your body remembers what past...
News You Did Not Want to Hear and What to Do Now
Have you ever received news you knew was coming, but hoped the news did not come as soon as it did? Perhaps the news is not promising and what the future holds something that causes you to look at life...
How Feelings and Emotions Affect YOUR SCORE SHEET!
I do not think I have to elaborate on the fact feelings and emotions affect everyone in some shape or form. What I do want to touch on is the HOW. How do feelings and emotions create differences in you...