As you know world has changed and along with it are the meanings of the words partner and spouse; which can refer to several different situations or relationships.
I am amazed at the insensitivity of some people when death and loss occur. Do people think before they speak? I am going to presume people do not know what they do not know.
When suicide touches close to home or you are in a position to help someone who is contemplating suicide, understanding a few terms and concepts will benefit you.
Committed suicide:
It is common to say “you commit a robbery” or “commit a...
Suicide has been a part of life for many years. History books, newspapers, and now social media sites all talk about suicide. Suicide touches people in all areas of life. No social, economical, sexual, educational or age boundaries exist when...
After a loss occurs many individuals view the experience one way and from that perspective the individual creates the context of how the grieving process “should” be. The key word here is “should”. Who puts the emphasis on “SHOULD”?
Does the...
Wanting to help someone else with their loss and grief is common. Seeing or knowing someone you care about in emotional pain is difficult. Watching the prolonged effects of grief on an individual may magnify the wanting to help. What...
Continuing from the prior blog post this month about “Families & Veterans: How Grief and Loss Continue after War” I have provided information about triggers associated with Veterans which share components with grief and loss in general.
The term “Trigger” is...
Recently I spoke with a family member who is affected by the traumatic experiences of an individual/veteran who was in the army and active in war. She shared numerous examples of how life is a series of losses for the...
I am opening the door for discussion and thoughts on children dying from an illness or whatever reason.
Young children unable to talk can sense how others are reacting. Emotions carrying a heaviness of fear, anxiety and sadness are difficult for...
I have noticed the “ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM” on many occasions and to be honest, sometimes I have been afraid of that elephant. You might wonder what she is talking about. You know, that thought in your mind...