While doing an interactive presentation on the topic of “Grief and Spirituality” I was asked what I thought the purpose of grief was. Delving deeper into this question I have a few ideas to share with you.
What is the Purpose of Grief?
Saying Good Bye
Looking Back to Get the Courage to Move Forward
Life is full of ups and downs, and sometimes there is a feeling or thought as if I am never going to get through this crisis or trauma. In the midst of despair your body remembers what past...
News You Did Not Want to Hear and What to Do Now
How Feelings and Emotions Affect YOUR SCORE SHEET!
I do not think I have to elaborate on the fact feelings and emotions affect everyone in some shape or form. What I do want to touch on is the HOW. How do feelings and emotions create differences in you...
Is Grief a Mental Illness or Part of Life?
There was a lot of controversy over how grief and depression are lumped together in the May 2013 DSM-5 book; that is the “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders” used by psychiatrists and other professionals.
Joy and Opportunity to Live Life Differently
Parents Estranged from Adult Children
Over the years the topic of parents being estranged from their adult children has come up during conversations with clients, friends and family. Recently a friend mentioned a book she came across called “Done with The Crying”...
Family Story: Create and Share
Hiding Behind the Mask
I know I talk about grief most of the time, but many people do not realize the extent grief affects their lives. An individual’s spirit, relationships, sense of wellbeing, physical health and more are affected by unresolved grief.