I was getting ready to relocate my office space and came across the following news article I had saved from many years ago. The article was addressed to “Dear Gram”. Is there anything you can relate to here...
Pet Loss
The loss of a pet can be the cause of tremendous grief for an individual and family. I have spoken with people who have tears in their eyes several years after a pet has died. What causes this grief reaction...
Looking Back to Get the Courage to Move Forward
Life is full of ups and downs, and sometimes there is a feeling or thought as if I am never going to get through this crisis or trauma. In the midst of despair your body remembers what past...
Family Story: Create and Share
Telling a family story of loss can help a family create a healing story. I will focus on suicide loss at the moment but this article could apply to other losses as well. How to create a story and why...
Why do We Hesitate to Seek Help?
I have always wondered why people in general do not seek grief help when it is available to them. What gets in the way; cost, pride, time, perception, fear, embarrassment or perhaps a bad experience when seeking help...
Different Shapes and Forms of Help with Grief and Loss
Take a moment to set aside the confusion, fear, and whatever else may be blocking your path to healing from a grief and loss experience. Consider exploring other options.
The paths to healing are numerous. I have always said, “Different strokes...
Father’s Day Remembering
Father’s Day is a special occasion to honour fathers which is celebrated in different ways and on different days depending on where you live in the world. In Canada, USA and the United Kingdom Father’s Day is celebrated on the...
Spousal or Partner Loss “YOU CAN DO IT”
The steps to move forward with grief and loss are different for everyone. The important fact is to move forward after a loss and realize there may be 5 steps forward and 3 steps backwards. Progress is not always in...
UNSPOKEN GRIEF (partner loss)
Imagine not being able to talk about or share your grief with others. Depending on the relationship and the family dynamics, sharing a loss is not always possible. How sad is this, especially when one of the ways to heal...
BEREAVED SPOUSES or PARTNERS of any age, with or without children at home
Are you a widow (female) or a widower (male)? The loss experience may be similar but different for each role. After the loss of a partner, life is forever changed. The first year may be full of new and difficult...