After a loss such as a death has occurred, some individuals get comfort from holding onto something that belonged to the deceased person. One idea I am sharing with you now is about folding a piece of clothing in...
To do or not to do – Funeral and Memorial Services
As I type this article, the words from many conversations come to mind; conversations about funerals and how some people do not want others to see them dead in a casket and the opposite response is also mentioned.
Happiness: CAN be found in grief
Happiness: CAN be found in grief
Happiness can be a state of “being” you decide to make a part of your life or not. There are several books, videos, jokes, sayings, and quotes to explain...
It is About You Too… Holidays or not
Self-care and self-awareness go hand in hand when grief is a factor. Consider the following;
- Pace yourself
- You have choices
- You are in charge of you
- If in doubt, don’t
- Ask for help
- Delegate responsibilities
- Ask for what you need
- Create balance over the...
SURVIVOR Benefits for Children Under age 25 in Canada after a Parent Dies
Recently I had a client whose ex spouse had died and together they have a few children. During our counselling session the topic of finances came up as a concern for her. Financial instability can...
Pet Euthanization Decision Made: Barbara’s Experience
With a sigh, this is such a difficult decision to make when you realize that the time has come to not have your pet suffer. I know others saw this decision coming as did I, but who wants to...
Throat Chakra: Difficulty saying what you want to say
For a few moments I want to explore with you more about grief and loss. I always state that grief is mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. This is me, speaking my truth and belief about grief and loss.
The aura around someone can indicate a state of grief, sadness, trauma and being overwhelmed when life is difficult. Of course, the opposite is true...