The steps to move forward with grief and loss are different for everyone. The important fact is to move forward after a loss and realize there may be 5 steps forward and 3 steps backwards. Progress is not always in...
Imagine not being able to talk about or share your grief with others. Depending on the relationship and the family dynamics, sharing a loss is not always possible. How sad is this, especially when one of the ways to heal...
Are you a widow (female) or a widower (male)? The loss experience may be similar but different for each role. After the loss of a partner, life is forever changed. The first year may be full of new and difficult...
I want to share some information that I had not completely pulled together in my mind until watching a recent seminar. The video included with this seminar is called “Her Last Project.”
It is not uncommon for people to share stories of grief and loss. To this day it never ceases to amaze me the number of children who live in fear after a death of a loved one. Fear due to...
I remember having a conversation with a child aged 5 after her grandma had died. This young child frequently expressed sadness and a few tears while sharing stories of times spent with grandma.
The sharing of stories continued for several years...
One summer I had the honour of going to Prince Edward Island to support a friend whose dad was dying. A long story made short; for 3 weeks that summer I spent time with a large family of 12 children...
What makes this holiday season different than last year? For some people it is the first time not having someone special around and for others it is the second year. There are those who have been living and missing someone...
As you know world has changed and along with it are the meanings of the words partner and spouse; which can refer to several different situations or relationships.
I am amazed at the insensitivity of some people when death and loss occur. Do people think before they speak? I am going to presume people do not know what they do not know.