As I type this article while sitting at the computer, I am wondering how some people get through their loss. Professionally, I know how people do it…but from a heart spot, I am really remembering one way of...
An Introductory Look at Spiritual Connections
I want to open the doors of possibilities. Have you ever wondered about spiritual connections with a deceased individual? How can this be? Who does this happen to? Do you need special “gifts” or techniques to be able...
Relationship Choices and Change…I Did Not Want!
Stop and think about this for a moment; something drastic happens that causes a relationship to end and it was not your choice.
Initially grief symptoms can set in with all their vengeance, feeling as...
My Friend is Dying
I was told my friend had cancer and was given approximately 2 months to live. Well, 2 months is just a number and no one can say for sure how long someone will live. I reacted with shock,...
Who is supportive of the main support person?
Have you ever noticed there is one person in the family everyone turns to for help with life’s dilemmas, is asked to talk to someone because someone else doesn’t want to do it, and is the person others...
“Sometimes we need something physical to hold onto.”
After a loss such as a death has occurred, some individuals get comfort from holding onto something that belonged to the deceased person. One idea I am sharing with you now is about folding a piece of clothing in...
Grief & Loss with Hoarding
When I say hoarding, what comes to mind? Do you think of the TV shows, someone you know, the person down the street or have you heard about a situation from someplace? For the most part, you are probably aware...
Happiness: CAN be found in grief
Happiness: CAN be found in grief
Happiness can be a state of “being” you decide to make a part of your life or not. There are several books, videos, jokes, sayings, and quotes to explain...
It is About You Too… Holidays or not
Self-care and self-awareness go hand in hand when grief is a factor. Consider the following;
- Pace yourself
- You have choices
- You are in charge of you
- If in doubt, don’t
- Ask for help
- Delegate responsibilities
- Ask for what you need
- Create balance over the...
Ideas for Getting Through the HOLIDAYS
NOTE: I have focused on adults, but some of the suggestions and ideas can be taken into consideration when children and grief are a concern. Please remember, children grieve too and may not tell you they are upset,...