Over the years the topic of parents being estranged from their adult children has come up during conversations with clients, friends and family. Recently a friend mentioned a book she came across called “Done with The Crying”...
Pregnancy Loss Photos with “Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep”
This is a sensitive topic that all too many women have experienced along with their families in many cases or alone. Pregnancy loss is not talked about, but for those who have experienced this, the memories do not “just”...
Rainbow Baby
I heard the term “Rainbow Baby” during a conversation and wondered what it was about. Having worked with child loss in a few areas such as educational courses, extra training with the “Pregnancy and Infant Loss” network (PAIL), Project Rachel...
No One to Call Mom or Dad
No one to call mom or dad may have numerous applications and reasons for being a fact of life for some individuals. Good or bad, happy or sad, wanted or not wanted it happens!
Divorce, death, estrangement, and other circumstances can...