After a loss such as a death has occurred, some individuals get comfort from holding onto something that belonged to the deceased person. One idea I am sharing with you now is about folding a piece of clothing in...
Loss Due to Discrimination
Are you a professional in need of more support to help grieving individuals?
Specific reference is being made to loss due to discrimination, but it is important to realize this loss can be combined with other losses. Sometimes this is not...
No Tolerance after a Loss
I share this post as an observation to help you help others with grief and loss.
Have you ever looked at, listened to or lived with someone after a close relationship ended, even by death? One theme that is common among...
What others might not know about suicide loss continued (part 3 of 3)
This is what I have noticed when people start to “get better” or appear better. This in NO WAY says they are 100% better. It does say that they are starting to live around the pain of their loss. As...
What others might not know about SUICIDE LOSS (part one of three)
Below is some of what others might not know about SUICIDE LOSS and the experiences that someone has when a suicide death happens to a person they care about. Not only care about, but perhaps they have found the deceased...
No One to Call Mom or Dad
No one to call mom or dad may have numerous applications and reasons for being a fact of life for some individuals. Good or bad, happy or sad, wanted or not wanted it happens!
Divorce, death, estrangement, and other circumstances can...
Small Wonders in Tough Times
Have you ever taken the time to analyse the events in your life and then wonder how you made it through the tough times? Sometimes, the tough times include grief and loss. There are inevitably, small wonders in the tough...
Experiences with Headstone Purchase
After speaking with several people who purchased a headstone, grave marker, monument or whatever you want to call it, I asked for their thoughts on this experience, which included purchases prior to, after or during the dying process.
A few general...
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